Library makes opportunities out of challenges

Posted on Friday, October 30, 2020

Librarian Amber Spratlin works with a student via computer

Things are a little different at Frank and Laura Lewis Library these days – changes that are noticeable even at the front door.  

“Everyone must scan their IDs to get in,” said Kelly Ansley, Library Director. “Both doors require card access.” 

To the left of the second set of doors is a book return box. 

“You can return everything there except laptops and course reserves,” she said. “Those will be at the circulation desk.” 

Once the books are returned, they go into their own quarantine. 

“All our incoming materials are sprayed with a sanitizing spray that is designed not to damage them, then they are laid out in a single layer for 24 hours,” she said.  

Ansley said the library has been working on protocols with the Reopening Archives, Libraries and Museums project through the Institute of Museum and Library Services. 

“REALM has led research into how long the virus lives on books and other materials to guide us in our quarantine efforts,” she said. “For example, the virus will live longer on books that are stacked because it gets between the books and isn’t exposed to light and air, things that can shorten the lifespan of COVID.”  

The library also has increased the number of laptops available to students. 

“We have some laptops that can be checked out for the entire semester because we have some students who don’t have access to computers,” she said. “We encourage them to come in and talk with us about what will work best for them.” 

Faculty members are using lockdown browsers for their exams. The software prevents cheating during proctored online exams. 

“But those browsers don’t work on Apple devices or Chromebooks, so students with those operating systems need to check out a laptop to take exams,” Ansley said. “Some laptops can be checked out for only 24 hours while others are available for two weeks or longer.” 

More signs of change can be seen at the circulation desk that is encircled by chairs to mark off six feet. 

“We have a cart set up in front of the desk with a scanner and hand sanitizer,” she said. “We ask the clients to first scan their ID, then the barcode on the book. A receipt will be emailed with the due date for the book. We’re trying to do as much as we can without having contact with others.” 

Amber Spratlin, Electronic Resources Librarian, mans the reference desk virtually from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. 

“All you have to do is walk up to the desk and look for the computer screen,” Ansley said. “She will see you and be able to help. Outside those hours, the reference desk will be covered by other staff members.” 

The chat function on the library’s website continues to be a popular resource, while virtual appointments through Microsoft Teams are available. 

All the study rooms are open, and students are using them, she said. 

“Of course, they still have to follow the COVID guidelines with masks and social distancing, but so far, we’ve had no problems at all.” 

Unfortunately, the study lounge is no longer open 24 hours. 

“It is only open when the library is,” Ansley said. “That’s one of the things we hope will get back to normal soon.” 

There is something else she is eagerly anticipating after the pandemic is over. 

“We haven’t had as much student activity this year as in the past because we don’t have the gathering spaces and the fun activities like puzzles and coloring available,” she said. “I’m looking forward to seeing them in the library again.” 

For more information about library service and hours, visit here.


Campus notes 

President Susanna Baxter has been named President Emerita of the Georgia Independent College Association. Baxter served as president of the organization for 10 years before coming to LaGrange.

The deadline to register for the Fall 2020 Service Saturday is Nov. 6. The college is partnering with the City of LaGrange to co-sponsor “Leaving LaGrange Better than We Found It.” To register for Service Saturday, visit here. Participants will receive Sustainability CE credit. 


Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed Saturday. 


Cultural Enrichment events 

Check LC Connect for Virtual CE events and instructions. For in-person events, all COVID guidelines apply.  


LC young alumni interview 
Virtual:  Hank Barnes’17. Hank was a Servant Scholar and recipient of the Waights G. Henry Jr. Leadership Award. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in organic chemistry at Auburn University. 

Grad School 101 
Virtual: Learn about the process and timeline for applying to graduate school. 


Virtual: Learn about the effects of depression and ways to cope and reduce its impact. 


The stories behind scholarships 
Library plaza: Learn about the donors who have established scholarships at LaGrange College. Each fund is named by the donor or donors who create it; each remains as distinct as the donors themselves. Students will also sign Thank You cards that will be delivered to each donor. 



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Her original plan was to become a physical therapist after graduating from LC, but Emily Cauldwell ’18, a four-year Panther softball player, had a burning desire to represent something larger than herself. This triggered her decision to join the Navy. 

November faculty and staff birthdays 

1 – Nick Beamenderfer 

Carla Rhodes 

2 – Simon Hwang 

4 – Kevin Ludwick 

Ken Passmore 

Lauren Lovin 

5 – Melvin Hall 

8 – Charles Kraemer 

21 – Rebekah Ralph 

25 – Paul Hammock 

26 – Stephanie Marcellini 

27 - Kendal Wallace

Video of the Week 

LaGrange College has been able to keep its number of COVID-19 cases to an absolute minimum thanks to the conscientiousness of its students. President Susanna Baxter takes a moment to thank all for the effort they've made.



Category: Students, Faculty, College, Academics

Keywords: library faculty students resources

Last updated: 10/30/2020